And so, Bronte Meddlestone's adventure begins. She wasn't usually the kind of child who took adventures. Ever since her parents left her in the lobby of her Aunt Isabelle's apartment building. It was her Aunti Isabelle who raised her, as her parents were off on adventures.
The first inconvenience, Bronte's parents being dead, as in their will they give strict instructions on a journey that she must take alone visiting her other ten aunts across the Kingdoms and Empires of the world.
The second inconvenience, if Bronte does not fulfill her parent's last wishes exactly as they outlined her home town of Gainsleigh will be destroyed, torn apart, all because her parents made their last will and testament binding through faery cross-stitch.
And their are more inconveniences to come; babies in rivers, avalanches, pirate attacts, spellbinders, dark mages, and more. "As we raced about, Aunt Isabelle drilled me on the dangers of Dark Mages...and covered other dangers too. Getting my new frocks muddy. Forgetting to say thank you. That kind of thing" (pp. 14-15).